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" 補魄bupo " 泰國野葛根為「宏開國際駿業有限公司」及「宏開國際裕富有限公司」健康保健系列產品。 " 補魄 " 品牌成立宗旨是將泰國優質的保健品及天然健美生活模式帶來香港,務求使顧客們能擁有豐滿及健康體態。我們希望能為消費者提供更多保健食品的另外選擇。 “ 補魄 ” 健康保健系列: 美豐盈、雄武士、美豐盈精華素、生髮精華素 及 生髮洗髮液。 我們主要業務於中國内地,並與六地 ( 香港、泰國、馬來西亞、越南、柬埔寨及美國 ) 簽訂國家銷售總代理的獨家代理權。歡迎有意在香港及澳門銷售 " 補魄 " 美豐盈 及 雄武士 產品的人士,向 香港及澳門銷售總代理 查詢批發銷售細節。 另外,歡迎有興趣人士,銷售 " 補魄 " 美豐盈精華素、生髮精華素、生髮洗髮液 及 黑高顆 產品,歡迎加入成為地區獨家銷售總代理,在香港及澳門 或 全球銷售,有意者可致電或電郵洽談。 為擴大市場發展,我們引入更多不同類型的產品,包括 ( 1 ) 泰國進出口業務; ( 2 ) 食品: 餅乾、糖果及 咖啡; ( 3 ) 農產品:香米、麵粉 及 木材; ( 4) 海產:海鮮、冰鮮 及 急凍蝦,給有意代理客戶提供更多元化的選擇。 注: " 補魄bupo " 均於泰國、中國及美均國設有分公司,分別為 宏開 ( 泰國 ) 駿業有限公司、宏開 ( 海南島 ) 駿業有限公司、廣州虹愷貿易有限公司及長城健康產業有限公司。 PROGRESSIVE PROSPER LIMITED and PROGRESSIVE FORTUNE LIMITED promote the “ bupo ” products in 2015 in Hong Kong. “ bupo ” aims to bring the high-quality lifestyle and the healthcare products in Thailand to Hong Kong, inviting customers to use our products. To provide good service and so as more choice to Hong Kong customers, “ bupohk ” always in search of various products in Thailand introduces the latest healthcare products to Hong Kong. Our main business is in Mainland China, we have signed sales agency contracts with 6 countries, including Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia and the United States. All interested parties are welcome to contact us. To expand the market, we introduce more different types of products, including ( 1 ) an import export business in Thailand; ( 2 ) Foods: cookies, candies and coffees; ( 3 ) Agricultural Products: rice, flour and wood; and ( 4 ) Seafood: seafood and frozen shrimp. Remarks: “ bupohk ” has branch offices in Thailand, Mainland China and the United States, which are called Progressive Prosper(Thailand)Limited, Progressive Prosper(Hainan)Limited, Guangzhou Hong Kai Trade Limited, and Great wall Health Industry Co. Limited respectively.
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